Monday, August 16, 2010

Another trip to BV....

Jeff and I headed up to BV this weekend to meet up with Holly, Dan, Darren, Thayla and Brandon for some camping and hiking.  It was a great weekend.  We had dinner at the Eddyline Brewery ( and showed the crew around South Main.  We are currently waiting for the building permit to be approved, so not much has happened since the last post, but here are a few photos from the trip:

We hiked near Cottonwood Pass.  Part of the hike involved us walking on a dirt road with a bit of vehicle traffice.  5 people, 7 dogs.

A picture of the hole in the lot with Jeff for scale.

These boulders will prevent drunk brewery customers from driving into our house.

I won't bore you with any more photos of the hole.  We will most likely be heading up in late September and we should see a lot more progress!

1 comment:

  1. Please post a photo of Andre, JJ and the boys. Also, please send me one of those boulders for Cash's birthday. I think he'd enjoy it.
